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Settlement Agreement Specialists

Same day online service

Our fixed fee service, which is limited to your employer’s contribution, means that you can get your agreement signed off without any cost to you.

We specialise in advising employees on settlement agreements and helping them negotiate the best deal

Our quick and efficient service means that if you are happy with the terms offered, we can sign off on the agreement within 24 hours. If you are not, we have a track record of negotiating the best deal possible for our clients.

What is a settlement agreement?

Settlement Agreement is a legally binding document which can be used to end your employment or settle a dispute between you and your employer on agreed terms. This agreement has strict requirements. One of those is that you receive independent legal advice from a qualified solicitor who has professional indemnity insurance.

Employers and employees usually enter into a settlement agreement where the employer pays the employee a sum of compensation and the employee gives up their right to bring a tribunal claim or discontinues any proceedings that have been commenced. The agreement will often provide for arrangements for return of property and agree terms of a reference. It may include terms of restrictive covenants, confidentiality and other important information. 

Considerations before you sign a settlement agreement

Once you sign an agreement you will be prevented from being able to complain about anything that has arrisen before your employment (and sometimes after) your employment terminates. It is therefore important that you do not rush in accepting what is being offered, but consider the offer carefully with the benefit of legal advice from a specialist lawyer. For example:

  • What compensation should you be entitled to?

  • Should you accept the terms and what is the alternative?

  • Should you be paid in lieu of your notice (PILON) or should you request to remain on Garden Leave?

  • What Ex Gratia Payment should you be entitled to?

  • Bonus and Commission Payments

  • What happens to your shares and your RSU’s, if you have any?

  • Restrictive Covenants and Confidentiality Clauses

  • What happens to property you hold and whether you should be permitted to keep some of it?

  • The wording of the reference and what happens if oral enquiries are made?

Compensation Calculator

About Your Employment

If you have suffered a financial loss as a result of your dismissal you may be entitled to claim compensation.

Please enter your gross yearly salary.
Please enter your age.
Please enter how many years of service you have completed. For example, if you have worked for the employer for 4 years and 11 months, enter 4 years.
Your statutory notice is one week for every completed year of service unless your contract of employment gives more notice. Enter either your statutory or your contractual notice (whichever is greater). The calculator uses weeks, therefore if your notice is one month put 4 weeks and if your notice is 3 months put 13 weeks to get the closest result.
Justina Ricci

Head of the Department
Employment Lawyer

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“I can truly say Ricci & Partners were the best from day one when I first made contact. I was made redundant and used this company to help with a settlement agreement. They work for you the client. I got a fantastic offer and would recommend that you use them for any challenges you need to face”


Frequently Asked Questions

How we can help?

Given our extensive experience advising employees on settlement agreements, we will go through the terms of the agreement and see whether any amendments are necessary. 

We will also review the terms of offer and advise you if there is scope for further negotiation. We can advise you on the wording of your agreement and negotiate clauses that protect you. 

What if I am happy with what is being offered?

If you are happy with what is being proposed, we will be able to sign off on the agreement during the meeting and send our certificate to your employer directly. From our experience however, the employer will provide you with an agreement that is intended to protect them, not you. As such, we rarely see an agreement that requires no amendments to protect you. Even if you are happy with the compensatory element of the agreement, there are a number of considerations to be had in terms of the wording also.  You therefore need to make sure that you trust a solicitor to go through it carefully. This is especially significant where a solicitor charges you a fixed rate no matter the effort. We pride ourselves in being dedicated to getting the best deal for our clients and make sure that we leave no page unturned when advising you on the wording of your settlement agreement. 

What if I am not happy with what is being offered?

If you are not happy with what is being proposed, we will be able to approach your employer to negotiate a better deal on your behalf or support you if you prefer to do so yourself. Sometimes this may be the wording of the agreement, other times, the sums that your employer is prepared to pay you, most of the time it is both.

At Ricci & Partners, we have extensive experience and expertise in negotiating a better deal than initially offered and are known for our tenacity and ability to present your case to your employer in a way that makes settlement the most attractive option for them.

How much will it cost me?

Your employer will specify what their legal contribution towards your fees is within the settlement agreement. It will usually be £350 to £750 plus VAT. We cap our fees at whatever your employer’s contribution is to advise and sign off on the agreement. The fee would also include our proposed changes to the agreement during the initial appointment.

If you wish us to negotiate the terms of offer, then the employer’s contribution may not be sufficient. We will advise you of any costs that may go over your employer’s contribution before you incur any additional fees so you can make an informed decision on whether you wish to negotiate a better deal or you wish to accept the terms as they are.

Can I negotiate a better deal?

We are expert negotiators and can negotiate directly with your employer to get you the best deal possible. This is the case even where you have tried to do this previously yourself but had no success. We can do this on fixed fee, time fee or no win no fee basis. The terms of negotiation do not always relate to money.

We can help negotiate:

  • the ex gratia payment and other terms
  • your notice terms. For example you may wish to be placed on Garden Leave so that you have a better chance of obtaining new employment
  • confidentiality clauses and restrictive covenants 
  • return of property clauses
  • clauses where you give indemnity on tax position 
  • other terms 
How quickly can this be done?

We can usually schedule an initial call/video meeting on the same day. Our appointments can be booked Monday to Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm. If you are happy with what has been proposed and decide to sign the agreement as is, we can sign off on the agreement and send this to your employer on the same day.

If you are not happy with the wording, we would make the proposed changes and send an email to your employer directly. The time frames will depend on how quickly your employer responds, but from our experience the whole process usually can be completed within 1 to 3 working days. 

If you are not happy with the terms, including the employer’s offer and wish for us to negotiate a better deal, it may take between 1 – 10 days, again depending on how quickly your employer responds to our new proposals.

Do I have to sign the agreement?

You don’t have to sign the agreement. The key issue to consider is what are your other options.

Settlement agreement will almost always be more beneficial to an employee than litigation. Litigation is expensive and uncertain and so if you are hesitant in signing the agreement on the current terms, it may be best to approach your employer to make a counter offer. 

When advising you we will discuss the circumstances leading up to this point and we can advise you on whether we believe there is scope for you to negotiate more. If there is, we can support you to approach your employer yourself, or can approach your employer on your behalf. 

What are the advantages of the settlement agreement?

A Settlement Agreement can be an excellent way to resolve a dispute without litigation. 

Legal Fees
If you decide to litigate, your legal fees can accumulate very quickly. Even if you are represented on a no win no fee basis, you will have to pay your representative, usually a significant proportion of your winnings (up to 35%). Settling a matter quickly, means that you can walk away with most of your compensation.

Your employer has no legal obligation to provide you with a reference. As such, even if you win your case, your employer will not be obliged to issue you with one. It is therefore usual to agree on the wording of the reference with your employer as part of the term of your settlement agreement. This would oblige your employer to issue a reference with agreed wording when it is requested by your new prospective employer. You can also include a term that means your employer cannot make bad comments about you that may damage your reputation or your chances of success in obtaining new employment. 

Public Judgments
Employment Tribunal Judgments are public. Therefore when you issue a claim, even if you withdraw it later, there will be a public record of you suing your employer.

Litigation Risk
There is always a litigation risk. Sometimes even the best cases stumble during the hearing. There may be lack of evidence or an uncertain legal point that means that after all the time, costs and effort, no one can guarantee a successful outcome of your case if it proceeds all the way to litigation. 

The Tribunals are currently overwhelmed with cases which means that it may take years for you to get your compensation, even if you win your case.

A lot of the times you will only be entitled to claim for the loss you have suffered. Which means you have to actually suffer the loss in order to claim it (unless you are also bringing a discrimination or a claim where there is a detriment suffered). If you agree a settlement before you have even suffered a loss, if you find a new job immediately after, this will be irrelevant and you will get to keep all the compensation despite the fact that you have never suffered a loss. As such settlement agreements are usually the best option commercially.

Compensation payments for the loss of employment or injury to feelings can be paid tax free up to £30,000.

What should I expect to get?

A lot will depend on the circumstances under which you have been presented with the settlement agreement. The following financial payments would generally be included

All your contractual benefits up until the termination of employment. This would include your salary, may include a bonus and commission and other benefits such as health care insurance, death in service benefit, gym membership and other.

Payment in lieu of your notice. You can usually choose to be paid in lieu of your notice (which means your employment would terminate immediately) or you can request that your employment terminates in the future, but that you remain on garden leave until such time. We can discuss the pros and cons of either during our appointment, however this payment is normally non negotiable, unless you are subject to gross misconduct proceedings that are well evidenced.

Holiday Pay
If you have accrued any holiday that you did not get a chance to take before the termination of your employment, these should be paid to you in lieu. If you have taken over your allowance, you would usually expect to negotiate that your employer will not be deducting these from your final payment. 

Ex Gratia Payment
This payment is normally made in consideration of you entering into this agreement and assuring the employer that you will not bring a claim against them. Ex – gratia payment is to intended to compensate you for the loss of your employment and for any breaches of your statutory rights that you have suffered. Up to £30,000 of this payment is usually tax free.

Redundancy Payment 
If you are being made redundant you should also receive your redundancy payment. It may be that your redundancy payment will be included within the ex gratia payment.

It is quite usual for the employment contract to contain a clause that deprives you of any bonus or commission  if your employment is subject to notice, or it has terminated. As such bonus/commission may form a significant consideration for you when deciding whether to accept a settlement agreement. 

Arrangements in respect of long term incentive plans and shares must be discussed and considered before you enter into a settlement agreement. This is because you may be subject to ‘bad leaver’ or ‘good leaver’ provisions within any share/incentive plan scheme. If you are expected to release those options, you would usually expect to be paid for those under the terms of the settlement agreement. 

Confidentiality Consideration
Your employment may also wish to pay you a small sum as consideration for you to agree to keep the terms of the agreement confidential and not to make any derogatory comments about your employer or any of their officers, employees and any other stakeholders. This payment is normally subject to usual tax and national insurance deductions.

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Here is how we can help you

Sign Off
Are you happy with what your employer proposes?

If you are happy with your employer’s offer, then we can usually conclude it all for you on the same day. We would need to schedule a meeting over zoom/teams. During the meeting your solicitor will share their screen so you can see your agreement and will go through the contents of the agreement to make sure you understand the terms fully. If at the end of our meeting you wish to sign the agreement, we will sign our certificate and send it to your employer. After the meeting, we will invoice your employer directly. Our fee will be capped to your employer’s contribution.

Book a free consultation with employment lawyer now.

Negotiate a better deal
Not happy with what your employer is offering?

If you are not happy with what your employer proposes, we can help you negotiate a better deal. This may include increasing your ex – gratia payment or any other terms that are currently proposed by your employer. For example, calculating your settlement sums, your employer may not include your bonus or commission, they may propose that you work off your notice, or include unreasonable restrictive covenants and confidentiality clauses. It is always helpful to discuss those issues before we review the agreement. 

Book a free consultation with employment lawyer now.

Legal Advice
Do you need advice on your employment situation?

It may be that your employer has proposed the settlement agreement as a result of you raising concerns about discrimination or making a protected disclosure. If employer’s proposal comes as shock to you it may be beneficial to know more about your legal rights before you consider any settlement offer. If that is the case we recommend that you schedule a free consultation with the employment lawyer without any delay. 

To schedule a free consultation, please book appointment now.

Why Us?

Fast Sign Off

We offer fast and efficient service and are usually able to sign off on your agreement within 24 hours. 

Expert Negotiators

If you are not happy with the offer you received, we can negotiate with your employer on your behalf and get you the best deal possible.

Employer Pays Your Fees

Our fee is fixed to your employer’s contribution so you do not need to pay us for the service to sign off on the agreement.

Excellent Customer Care

Our services are 5 star rated. Our client feedback is a testament to our commitment to provide excellent customer care and to exceed expectations in our service delivery. 

Online Service

We offer nationwide service online. That means that you can get your agreement signed off from the comfort of your home.

Legal Advice

We are thorough and will work tirelessly to ensure that you get the best deal possible not only in terms of monetary value, but also the wording of your agreement. 

Happy with the terms and simply
wish a lawyer to sign off on your agreement?

We offer a quick, nationwide service online.

Get your agreement signed off by a lawyer on the same day in 3 easy steps.

Step 1

Email us your settlement agreement together with your contact details to

Step 2

We will contact you to arrange a virtual appointment for the same day. We hold meetings via Teams, Zoom or Telephone.

Step 3

Once we review the terms if you are happy to accept them, we will sign off on them. If you are not, we can approach your employer to negotiate a better deal.

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0330 120 1819
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